A gallery with galleryPageOffset will ignore this field, if scrollCircular is not set to true. See the following iOS and Android screenshots for comparison:
Android: https://team.fabrik19.de/files/c8yj357rqidix8ooryx77pgn8c/public?h=V1d0CaWtF1DUs8WGY7xK9SXhkW6WhH_5Q_SHZxMX4nA
iOS: https://team.fabrik19.de/files/1ioyzskqa7nqpb1ccmh76oow3y/public?h=Vy2rFLLaal8h-fQRVfV8KB4Ush7UDUl6TMA2YFMgFXw
this is indeed a bug in the android client and will be fixed in a future version.
Fixed as of version 4.33.0